Ageless Living

ageless living

Ageless living is my idea of a way to grow old and enjoy the process as long as I have fun along the way.  

 Are you with me on this? 

The problem with most programs, whether that is a restrictive diet, boring exercises, or someone trying to change my mind after all the years I have spent to make up my mind in the first place, is that it just isn’t fun.

I have made one commitment to myself as I age —If I have no choice but to grow old, I will do it for the fun of it.

Now, I have had my share of difficult diagnoses, surgeries, and limitations including living with MS for a lifetime.

I know what it is like to use a wheelchair, to struggle with impaired vision and a foggy brain.

Gratefully, these were only for a season in my life as this disease waxes and wanes with no particular respect for its host.

What I have learned, however, is I am always free to make choices that maximize my enjoyment and fulfill a greater purpose in life.

 One thing I am sure about is I do not want my choices to be limited by something over which I do have control.

Granted, I have no control over growing older (OK..let’s call that what it is: old!). 

I have little choice about circumstances that I have inherited or things like pandemics or recessions.

But I can choose how I will travel the road, how I will feed my body, soul, and spirit, and where I will find the things that nourish me. 

But I need a little help to do that. I found a roadmap if I can call it that — a plan that I can follow that is so rich with resources I want to share it.

It is from a friend I have recently made online, who also has made a conscious choice to increase longevity with health. Connie Green prepared a resource that is perfect for anyone who, like me, wants a way to age and maintain her health along the way.

I recommend picking up a copy of her Ageless Living Longevity Report and deciding for yourself. It is a thorough report and she is selling it for ridiculously cheap.

Disclaimer – I make a few (very few) pennies as an affiliate, but don’t let that stop you. What you may find is absolutely priceless.