• Girl with make up as example of impostor syndrome

    Do You Feel Like an Impostor When You Write?

    What really gets in my way as a writer… Sometimes what holds me back is a unique kind of fear called “Impostor Syndrome.” I write a lot about the craft of writing and I often hear people say: “I am afraid I can’t write,” or “I am too old to learn.”  “I am afraid that what I write is all drek and people will laugh.” …

  • ageless living

    Ageless Living

    Ageless living is my idea of a way to grow old and enjoy the process as long as I have fun along the way.    Are you with me on this?  The problem with most programs, whether that is a restrictive diet, boring exercises, or someone trying to change my mind after all the years I have spent to make up my mind in the…

  • creative writing - a book floats infront of library stacks of books

    Is Creative Writing Calling to You But You Don’t Know Where to Begin?

    I know that feeling so well!! I could do creative writing but I needed something to prime the well.  Having a topic is fine, but can result in a rather academic research-based approach. Knowing who will be receiving the writing results in letters or emails, but how exactly do you get started with creative writing? That’s when it helps to have a prompt, an unfinished…

  • Ardis Mayo, journaling

    Writing Is Scary But Not Impossible

    Writing is scary if you haven’t done it since high school where writing was for a grade and there were a ton of rules to follow. We often have legitimate PTSD over getting the rules right and not wanting to appear stupid. Most of that is because we had to show our writing to someone in authority who had the power to mark all over…

  • an outstretched arm with a lightbulb

    How a Marketing Idea Begins

    I started ‘marketing’ as a young child when I went door to door selling all occasion cards for 50 cents a box. The thrill of seeing people smile never left me. I assumed they really liked the cards. It never occurred to me that they smiled because I was a cute ambitious 5-year-old. As I look over my life span I realize the joy of…

  • ardis mayo with Dekker

    Why This Website

    Happiness in life as a human being is finding the balance between work and play, spending and saving, giving and keeping, telling and listening, singing and weeping, body and spirit, doing and being. All of these things take practice. The vision for this website is to be that place where you find and engage in the practices that bring you a long and fulfilled life.…